When to Replace Your HVAC System: What You Need to Know

Learn when it's time for an AC replacement - including age of unit; expensive utility bills; expensive repairs; fickle temperature; strange noises; excess dust; etc.

When to Replace Your HVAC System: What You Need to Know

If you've determined that you need a new HVAC system, it's essential to consider energy efficiency. According to the Department of Energy, even if your air conditioner is only 10 years old, you can save 20 to 40 percent of your cooling costs if you replace it with a newer, more energy efficient model. But do you need to repair or replace your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system? It's a common question and you have to weigh several factors to make the decision. One of the most important factors is the lifespan of your unit.

According to EnergyStar, from the US. UU. Environmental Protection Agency Volunteer Program an A, C. The unit lasts around 15 to 20 years.

On average, a heat pump perseveres for 16 years and an oven works for 15 to 20 years, reports This Old House. Replacing an air conditioning or heating system completely can be expensive. So, you'll want to consider if your old system is in its last breath before replacing it. In many circumstances, you can repair your air conditioning system or oven to work effectively.

Most likely, your main consideration will revolve around safety. If your heating system presents a safety hazard, it should be common sense to replace it, especially if the repair is going to be expensive and temporary. Next, consider how old your unit is. Remember, as we mentioned before, that the average life of an oven is around 15 to 20 years.

In some cases, during the installation process, your authorized and trained technician will note the installation date directly on the unit. If not, you can check the inside of the camera door to see if there is a metal nameplate containing the serial and model numbers. You can then call the manufacturer's customer service line and request the date the unit was manufactured. Again, just like with home heating, consider how old your air conditioner is.

When it comes time to make the decision to repair or replace your air conditioning unit, age is an important factor. EnergyStar recommends replacing your air conditioning unit every 10 to 15 years. The federal government is phasing out freon to conserve energy across the country. Because of this, freon costs are increasing significantly.

If your air conditioning unit uses freon, you'll eventually have to replace it to switch to the new R410A refrigerant. This is most likely a good time to consider a replacement if your unit is breaking down or has problems associated with needing more freon. If you can't decide whether to repair or replace your current unit and it's more than 10 years old, buying a new unit might be a better investment. Undoubtedly, air conditioning units will need repairs from time to time.

However, if your system requires ongoing repairs, these can cost more than installing a new unit, so investing in a new unit is the smartest option. The typical life expectancy of an air conditioner is 10 to 15 years. If properly maintained and serviced at least once a year, your unit can continue to function well for longer. When budgeting for replacement costs for HVAC units, there will be additional pricing factors and considerations.

These include ducts, adding zones, insulation, or a thermostat; additional add-ons and upgrades; replacing the furnace and air conditioner; eliminating asbestos; and savings derived from rebates. Replacing an oven and air conditioner combination is cost-effective if repair prices approach 30 percent of the cost of an entirely new HVAC unit. An air leak could be the cause of the problem in your HVAC system and is probably less expensive than replacing it. While most HVAC system replacements can be completed in one day, some more advanced additions could extend the installation into the next day.

The costs of replacing HVAC units can be high and the additional costs associated with the project can add up quickly. However, no matter how much preventive maintenance you put into your air conditioning system, there comes a time when repairs are no longer enough and it's time to replace it. The more difficult it is to access the existing air conditioning system, the more expensive the replacement will be. Before starting the replacement process it's recommended that homeowners obtain up to four HVAC replacement installation cost estimates from reputable HVAC contractors or companies.

When replacing a part of the system - whether it's the HVAC compressor or air controller - it's recommended that both systems be upgraded and at least inspect ducts if they need replacing too. Upon completion of installation pressure and vacuum tests are performed before charging with new refrigerant. Replacing your entire HVAC system means spending more money up front but you'll save money in the long run because your entire HVAC unit will be in sync with each other - resulting in lower energy bills over time too! An energy bill that keeps rising is a common indication that your system needs maintenance or replacement - as well as age of unit; expensive utility bills; expensive repairs; fickle temperature; strange noises; excess dust; etc. If repair prices approach 30 percent of total cost of replacing then homeowners should choose replacement over repair services for their HVAC system - plus they should also consider replacing their ducts too in order to ensure that their ducts are free of dust and allergens and that their system doesn't leak either! If you start noticing any signs that indicate it's time for an AC replacement contact Ready & Able for repair or replacement services.

Dominick Wiggains
Dominick Wiggains

Incurable beer ninja. Wannabe tv expert. Hardcore zombie fan. Certified zombie nerd. Lifelong coffee ninja.

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