How Long Does it Take to Install an Air Conditioner?

Installing an air conditioner is a process that can take anywhere from four to fourteen hours. Learn more about how long it takes to install an air conditioner with Draft Control.

How Long Does it Take to Install an Air Conditioner?

Installing an air conditioner is a process that can take anywhere from four to fourteen hours, depending on the size of the unit, the home, and the company you hire. The duration of the installation will vary depending on the size of the existing system, the weather, and the accessibility of the area. If you are replacing both the air conditioner and the furnace at the same time, it will take between eight and fourteen hours. If you are looking for a reliable air conditioner installer in Ottawa, contact Draft Control.

Generally, your new air conditioner will be installed in one day and most installations take between four and eight hours. You won't have to suffer in a hot living room for too long.

Dominick Wiggains
Dominick Wiggains

Incurable beer ninja. Wannabe tv expert. Hardcore zombie fan. Certified zombie nerd. Lifelong coffee ninja.

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