How Long Does it Take to Replace an HVAC System Without Ductwork?

Replacing an oven and air conditioning unit at the same time can take 8-14 hours, depending on the size of the unit, the location of installation, and the company you hire. On average, it takes 4 to 8 hours to replace an air conditioner.

How Long Does it Take to Replace an HVAC System Without Ductwork?

Replacing an oven and air conditioning unit at the same time can take 8-14 hours, depending on the size of the unit, the location of installation, and the company you hire. On average, it takes 4 to 8 hours to replace an air conditioner. If you need to replace ducts or install a full HVAC system, however, the process will take longer. Generally speaking, it takes three to five days to complete a full HVAC installation. The heating and air conditioning installation process can take up to three days, depending on several factors.

It involves some important steps that must be followed carefully by the contractor. The new air conditioner will likely be installed in just one day, and most installations take 4 to 8 hours. If you only need a simple system change, then the time required will be shorter than if your installation requires replacing the ducts or replacing the entire system. Replacing only the main components of an air conditioning system - such as the oven and air conditioning unit - without needing to install new ducts can take around 1 day or less.

Dominick Wiggains
Dominick Wiggains

Incurable beer ninja. Wannabe tv expert. Hardcore zombie fan. Certified zombie nerd. Lifelong coffee ninja.

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