How Long Does it Take to Replace an Entire HVAC System?

Replacing an entire HVAC system can be a daunting task. Learn how long it takes and what factors affect the process.

How Long Does it Take to Replace an Entire HVAC System?

If you're looking to replace both your oven and air conditioning unit, the work will take 8-14 hours. On average, it takes 4 to 8 hours to replace an air conditioner, but this time can vary depending on the size of the unit, your home, and the company you hire. It's practically impossible to determine an exact time limit for replacing an air conditioner, as there are a multitude of factors that can affect the total time needed. Installing a new unit for the first time can take up to 8 hours.

During the replacement process, you'll need to disassemble the old unit and check the entire system for any faults. Only when all components are in perfect working condition can the new unit be installed. When replacing an entire system, your HVAC technician will replace or install the ducts and rewire the thermostat. This process can take much longer than a simple change and can take between 3 and 5 days.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers refrigerants hazardous to the environment, so licensed HVAC contractors should always take this step when removing an air conditioner. The location of your home is also a factor when trying to calculate how long it will take to replace your air conditioning unit. The second step is all the wiring necessary for the air conditioner to communicate with the rest of the system. The first factor that will greatly affect the amount of time you'll need to replace your air conditioning unit is its location in your home.

If you have a strict budget, you should consider replacing only one segment of the air conditioning unit. Rheem is known for its reliable and long-lasting air conditioning systems, and their Rheem Endeavor RH2TZ Air Handler is no exception. It's impossible to get an exact estimate of how long it will take to replace your old air conditioning unit with a new one. However, by gathering as much information as possible about the factors that may affect your replacement process, you can get a better idea of how long it will take.

Dominick Wiggains
Dominick Wiggains

Incurable beer ninja. Wannabe tv expert. Hardcore zombie fan. Certified zombie nerd. Lifelong coffee ninja.

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