How Long Does it Take to Install HVAC Ductwork? A Comprehensive Guide

Installing HVAC ductwork is a complex process that requires a professional technician. On average, it takes two to three days (around 8 to 10 hours per day) and costs around 30 hours of labor. Taxes, permit fees, and other costs may add to the total.

How Long Does it Take to Install HVAC Ductwork? A Comprehensive Guide

Installing HVAC ductwork is a complex process that requires a professional technician. On average, the installation of ducts takes two to three days (around 8 to 10 hours per day). This means that you can expect to pay around 30 hours of labor for the job. However, taxes, permit fees, and other costs may add to the total.

Pipeline projects can take between one and four days to complete. The simplest jobs are usually straightforward and can be done in a single day. But there are many factors that can affect the timeline. If you need to replace ducts or install a complete HVAC system, the process will take longer than if it were a simple change. The extended period of time is because the technician may have to replace the ducts or rewire the thermostat.

The technician may also encounter other issues during the full installation of the system, making it more difficult to reduce the time for this situation. Typically, the full installation of an air conditioning system will take three to five days to complete. If you need a simple system change, the time required will be shorter than if your installation requires the replacement of the ducts or the complete replacement of the system. If the job involves replacing all of the major components of your HVAC system, a larger home will require a larger installation.

Dominick Wiggains
Dominick Wiggains

Incurable beer ninja. Wannabe tv expert. Hardcore zombie fan. Certified zombie nerd. Lifelong coffee ninja.

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